As May is Mental Health Month, Mindmap actively joined others to spread mental health awareness, specifically focusing on the early detection of psychosis. Since psychosis is treatable, the earlier people receive help, the better the outcomes. Therefore, recovery from psychosis becomes the expectation rather than the exception for those who receive treatment. Taking Steps Forward
Category: Blog
Effective Approaches for Talking to Someone Experiencing Psychosis
Having effective conversations with a young person experiencing psychosis can be challenging. However, it’s crucial for providing the support and understanding their needs. Approaching these conversations with empathy, patience, and preparedness can make a significant difference in helping the young person heard and supported. In this blog post, we’ll explore some effective approaches for engaging in
Understanding Symptoms of Psychosis and who is at Risk
The dramatic portrayal of psychosis in movies and popular media often sensationalizes and misrepresents the condition. In reality, psychosis encompasses a spectrum of experiences that extend beyond the extremes of violence or unpredictability. Mindmap shares factual information in order to dispel myths and make psychosis safer and more comfortable to talk about. This article will cover: What is
Mindmap Honors Mental Health Awareness Month by Promoting Early Detection of Psychosis
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. It serves as an opportune time to promote the early detection of psychosis, a critical step in improving long-term outcomes for those affected. Early detection and intervention can significantly alter the course of psychotic disorders, leading to better outcomes and quality of life. Throughout the month, various organizations and
Spinning The Advocacy Wheel: Mindmap & Elyn Saks
Spinning the Wheel with Mindmap Last month, the Mindmap and STEP team attended Fresh Check Day at <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Albertus Magnus College</a> in New Haven, with a very positive turnout from the student campus population. Fresh Check Days, organized by The Jordan Porco Foundation, are fun and interactive college fairs bringing awareness to mental
Yale Film Screening of Elizabeth Blue Highlights Psychosis
Mindmap and STEP attended a special screening of Elizabeth Blue, the 2017 Official Selection of Sunscreen Film Festival, at Yale this past September. The film follows Elizabeth, a young woman diagnosed with schizophrenia, as she navigates outpatient treatment and planning her wedding. Program Director of Mindmap and STEP Dr. Vinod Srihari, M.D., was part of
How To Stress Less During the Holidays
Whether or not you, a friend, or a family member are dealing with a mental health issue, here are some tips to reduce stress during the holidays. <h2>Make yourself a priority and identify what you really want to do.</h2> <p>For instance, you might want to spend the entire day with your family or just stop
We’re Looking for Mindmap Allies!
Are you interested in helping shape the conversation around mental health stigma? Would you like to put your skills to good use and improve your communities? Can you devote 10 hours a month to improving mental health in your community? If so, consider partnering with Mindmap on our mission to de-stigmatize mental illness and get those who
Patient Perspective: What I Would Tell My Younger Self About Getting Into Treatment Sooner
We talked to one of our patients recently, and one question that came up was, “What would you tell your younger self, now that you have been through treatment?” We find many of these statements to be so insightful and hope they may be useful if you find yourself in a situation where you may
Communicating with Someone Who is Experiencing Psychosis
When a person experiences an acute psychotic episode, it can be frightening, confusing, and distressing to both the individual and his or her family and friends. Here are some things you can do to make their experience easier. <h2>1. If they are having difficulty concentrating:</h2> <ul><li style=”font-weight: 400;” aria-level=”1″>Keep your statements short</li><li style=”font-weight: 400;” aria-level=”1″>Give
How to Deal with Psychosis Diagnosis for Your Child
In most cases, psychosis is not caused by ineffective parenting. It is a biological condition. Being proactive and supportive in your child’s illness, however, can greatly increase the chances of recovery. <style>/*! elementor – v3.21.0 – 30-04-2024 */ .elementor-heading-title{padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title[class*=elementor-size-]>a{color:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small{font-size:15px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-medium{font-size:19px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large{font-size:29px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xl{font-size:39px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl{font-size:59px} Understand recent changes in thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. <p>Early stage
How to Talk to a Friend About Psychosis
Ok, I know I need to talk to my friend about psychosis, but what do I actually say? </p><h5>Here are some useful phrases to help get the conversation started, and some things that you should never say:</h5><p> Say: I’ve noticed that you haven’t been acting like yourself lately. I’m worried about you, is something going
How to Support a Friend with Psychosis
Too often people respond negatively or dismissively when someone discloses they have a mental health disorder like psychosis. It’s important to think of a mental health disorder like you would any other illness or injury. Because it is just as real, just as serious, and the person needs your help just as much. So what