
Our Story

In the Media

United Services Connecticut Collaborates with the STEP Learning Collaborative to Help Reduce the Duration of Untreated Psychosis

United Services of Connecticut, who is part of the STEP Learning Collaborative, join us on WILI 1400am 95.3 FM radio. United Services President & CEO Diane Manning & Director of Development Emily Morrison along with Dr. Vinod Srihari to talk about the STEP Learning Collabortive and Mindmap campaign.

United Services Connecticut Collaborates with the STEP Learning Collaborative to Provide Treatment for Young Individuals Experiencing Psychosis

United Services of Connecticut, who is part of the STEP Learning Collaborative, join us on WINY 1350am 97.1 FM radio. United Services President & CEO Diane Manning & Director of Development Emily Morrison along with Dr. Vinod Srihari to talk about the STEP Learning Collabortive and Mindmap campaign.

How Mindmap is Helping Young People Experiencing Symptoms of Psychosis

Connecticut’s Morning Buzz Host Natasha Lubczenko  met with Laura Yoviene Sykes, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine, and Dr. Craig Allen, Medical Director at Rushford Center. They discussed the Mindmap initiative, in honor of World Schizophrenia Awareness Day and Mental Health Awareness Month.

The STEP Learning Collaborative’s Mindmap Public Awareness Campaign: Promoting the Early Treatment of Psychosis in Teens/Young Adults

Connecticut’s Morning Buzz Host Natasha Lubczenko was joined in the studio by Dr. Laura Yoviene Sykes, PhD and Dr. Vinod Srihari, MD, from the Yale School of Medicine’s STEP Learning Collaborative Program to discuss the Mindmap campaign.

Identifying and treating psychosis in CT gets new push from expanded statewide program

The partnership is an effort to reach all populations experiencing psychosis, including the economically underserved, said Nancy Navaretta, commissioner at DMHAS…

Mindmap Launches New Statewide Referral Line to Support Early Detection of First-Episode Psychosis

The campaign aims to empower anyone who can help affected individuals navigate to care. Messages on mass and social media channels will provide education about how to identify…

Mindmap 2.0 Expands Across Connecticut

“The goal is to get more people experiencing psychosis for the first time into treatment faster,” said Vinod Srihari, MD, professor of psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and director of STEP and Mindmap…

Connecticut’s Statewide Kickoff for Mindmap

Mindmap: a complex intervention to reduce regional Duration of Untreated Psychosis

Early detection efforts to shorten DUP are thus a necessary component of modern early intervention services for schizophrenia. The NIMH-funded Mindmap campaign reported the first…

Mindmap Reduced the Duration of Untreated Psychosis in New Haven Area

A new paper published in Schizophrenia Bulletin Open tracks the success of Mindmap, which was launched in 2015 by the Specialized Treatment Early in Psychosis (STEP) clinic…

Pioneering Coordinated Specialty Care Programs for First-Episode Psychosis: Media, outreach and rapid-access approaches are feasible

Analysis of features of the STEP program shows that media, outreach and rapid-access approaches are feasible additions to CSC, Dr Srihari said…

Outreach for First Episode Psychosis: Examples from the Field

There are several distinctive features of programs that are designed to serve people experiencing their first episode of psychosis (FEP). Perhaps most distinctive among these is the systematic outreach to community partners in order to…

The Connecticut Mental Health Center: Celebrating 50 Years of a Successful Partnership Between the State and Yale University

The missions of clinical care, research, and education remain the foundation for an organization that serves 5,000 individuals each year who are…

MINDMAP Extends Successful Early Psychosis Treatment Program, seeks to inform young people and their friends and family of the local, effective, free care available to them.

In January, the clinic for Specialized Treatment Early in Psychosis (STEP) launched MINDMAP: a campaign…

Media Inquiries

Jennifer Carmichael

Speaker / Presenter Inquiries

Laura Yoviene Sykes, PhD