
How to Deal with Psychosis Diagnosis for Your Child

screen shot of parent of child with psychosis diagnosis sharing their story

In most cases, psychosis is not caused by ineffective parenting. It is a biological condition. Being proactive and supportive in your child’s illness, however, can greatly increase the chances of recovery.

Understand recent changes in thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.

Early stage psychosis can include:

  • difficulty concentrating
  • depressed mood
  • sleep changes—sleeping too much or not enough
  • anxiety
  • suspiciousness
  • withdrawal from family and friends
  • ongoing unusual thoughts and beliefs

While many of these symptoms on their own may seem like typical teenage behavior, a combination of symptoms may indicate the need for a conversation, or a call to a family physician or MindMap.

Help your child stay on track or get back on track with work, school, and/or self-care.

Seeking out treatment programs for your child’s psychosis doesn’t just help manage their symptoms. Most programs approach treatment programs with goals in mind. Most young people have goals to get back on track with school, work, sports, hobbies, and more.

Learn strategies for reducing stress for yourself and your child, and increaseprotective factors.

Treatment programs often offer support for families. Ask your child’s provider how you can support your child’s recovery. You may participate in their therapy sessions or even have your own separate sessions. 

Watch this honest video of a parent's journey when his own son was diagnosed with psychosis.

If you think your child may be experiencing the symptoms of psychosis, call use for a free screening and referral to care for eligible individuals:

(203) 200-0140