
About Mindmap

The Mindmap campaign aims to minimize delays to care for individuals early in the course of a psychotic illness. Today the campaign runs statewide, screening individuals for psychosis across Connecticut through the use of a single referral line.

Improving ACCESS and shortening delays to care


Better understand help-seeking across the state


Centralized referral line for early psychosis


Supporting engagement into care


High-quality data


Training & consultation

Mindmap was co-created by the STEP Learning Collaborative, based out of Yale University, and Red Rock Branding. It involves a comprehensive set of communication channels – across both traditional and digital media – to increase awareness, decrease stigma around psychosis, and direct affected individuals and families to care.

We offer free workshops for families and the community to recognize early-warning symptoms. As well as workshops for clinicians, mental health practitioners, and anyone else who interacts regularly with youth and their families to become proactively engaged in referral networks that screen for psychosis.

Mindmap Successfully Reduced the Duration of Untreated Psychosis in the New Haven Area

The first four years of the campaign focused on a 10-town radius in Greater New Haven and validated that comprehensive communication campaigns can be an effective public health intervention. In fact, Mindmap shortened the Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP) by one-half in its geographic region.

Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP) reduced by >50%


Phone inquiries per year increased by 777%


Number of patients declining treatment decreased by 52%

These results were made in comparison to a control group where specialized treatment for first-episode psychosis was offered at a similar community-based clinic affiliated with a major university in a Northeastern urban hub, without such a campaign.

Expanding our Network & Reach Statewide


Just as New Haven’s STEP clinic received referrals in the earlier stage of the campaign, we now have a network of Local Mental Health Authorities (LMHAs) offering 18 clinical sites across Connecticut.

Combined efforts of an informed community and our expanded referral network will help shorten the time it takes for people experiencing first-episode psychosis to receive care.